Musicians protesting the bad situation in Horst On August 17th and 18th 2019 the protest weekend of Lebenslaute (“sounds of[…]
Read moreAuthor: Bernadette
CEASAR-Files: Give a voice to the victims!
Caesar Files exhibition in Rostock on torture in Syria In Rostock, from September 12 to 14 2019, images of torture[…]
Read moreFundamental Right: Inviolability of the home
In the past few weeks, various NGOs and politicians have drawn attention to a sad fact: The fundamental rights of[…]
Read moreRemembering the genocide of Sinti and Roma
… und wie tief der Antiziganismus in unserer Gesellschaft verwurzelt ist In Italy, fascists from the “Casa Pound” attacked Roma[…]
Read moreInternational Day Against Racism
The International Day Against Racism commemorates the Sharpeville (South Africa) massacre in 1960, in which 69 demonstrators were shot by[…]
Read moreFighting for Freedom and Dignity: The Syrian Revolution
The following interview was conducted shortly after the demonstration in Berlin on March 16, 2019. Under the slogan “The Syrian[…]
Read moreImprisonment of IRA-president Biram Dah Abeid
Interview mit Cheikhna Ntieh von der Bewegung zur Abschaffung der Sklaverei in Mauretanien Almost a year ago, asylum seekers from[…]
Read more400 people suporting Refugees in Horst
On June 16, PRO BLEIBERECHT and others celebrated a party with around 400 participants in front of the Nostorf-Horst arrival[…]
Read moreInfopoint for human rights in front of Horst
10th December is the International Day for Human Rights. PRO BLEIBERECHT and Law Clinic Rostock will visit Horst on that[…]
Read moreCall to the local government against detainment in “Arrival centers”
Don't detain people in "Arrival Centers" any longer than necessary! PRO BLEIBERECHTsent a letter to the government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern claiming […]
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