Corona shutdown in Horst – For the right on distance!

Initiative repeatedly criticizes assembly camps in times of Corona

We published the following text as a press release today.
The initial reception center Nostorf-Horst in MV has been completely isolated from the outside world for a few days. Pro Bleiberecht has criticized this approach and claims, that asylum seekers have to be distributed from assembly camps to smaller accommodations immediately, where they can better control the risk of infection with Corona themselves.
"The responsibles have completely isolated the camp. Nobody is allowed to go in or out. With this the authorities admit that the arrival camp itself is a highly dangerous source of infection in which the infection process cannot be controlled. They only draw the completely wrong conclusions," says Hanna Berth from Pro Bleiberecht.
According to the general decree of the district Ludwigslust-Parchim, this regards all residents of the facility as a "defined group" who potentially had contact with people who tested positive and thus legitimizes the complete isolation of all residents.
This contradicts the usual procedure. Quarantine is usually only ordered where someone can be shown to have had direct contact with infected people. The quarantine applies to everyone in Horst. Some residents are also isolated in a house within the facility and locked behind a grid of construction fences. Pro Bleiberecht criticizes the isolation of asylum seekers due to this unequal treatment as a racist procedure.
"An example: If a colleague of mine in a company with 200 employees tests positive, I only have to be in quarantine if I have had direct contact with him. The entire company is not shut down and there is no construction fence built around contact persons", illustrates Berth. "On the one hand, the authorities admit that the risk of infection in collective camps is higher than elsewhere. But instead of getting those affected out of this dangerous situation, they lock them in for more than 10 days. So they measure the health of people outside the camps a bigger value than the health protection of asylum seekers. That is a deeply racist impulse."
Pro Bleiberecht has been criticizing since March that the accommodation of asylum seekers in assembly camps in times of Corona is even more wrong than usual. The initiative claims, that the relevant accommodation to be dissolved immediately and asylum seekers to be accommodated in a decentralized smaller places. This is the only way to have a self-determined life.
You can read more here:
  • about collection camps in times of Corona
  • about collection camps in general
  • about Nostorf-Horst in particular: Here and here.

Pro Bleiberecht is an anti-racist initiative that campaigns for the rights of asylum seekers and refugees. One focus of the initiative is on protests against the reception center Nostorf-Horst, which has been criticized for years.

Photo: Bildwerk Rostock (Flickr). Handover of the petition "Right to distance" to State Secretary Lenz in Schwerin in April 2020.

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