Time to act! Letter to the government

With 130 first signatories from politics, religion, society and culture from all over the MV, we call on the state government to finally throw the inhumane German foreclosure policy on the rubbish heap of history. We wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig and Interior Minister Lorenz Caffier as well as to the members of the Landtag.

Together we demand:

Immediately accept refugees from Greece!
Human rights are not negotiable - not even in times of crisis!

If you want to join in now with your organisation, write an email to m-v [ätt] seebruecke.org.


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Open letter from the SEEBRÜCKE MV Alliance:
It is time to act NOW!

Dear Prime Minister Schwesig,
Dear Secretary of the Interior Caffier,
Dear Members of the State Parliament,

The current situation of refugees on the Greek islands and on the Turkish-Greek border is catastrophic.

European border guards use tear gas and stun grenades to shoot people who have fled from war and have already experienced unspeakable suffering, military target practice over several days in the border area, boats deliberately destroyed or aborted. They are imprisoned, beaten, tortured, robbed except for their underpants, even killed, under the direct witness of the European population. At least two people were shot.

The number of German federal police officers who support the Greek border guards has now reached over 70. The pogrom-like mood on the Greek islands is further exacerbating the situation. Refugees, volunteers, NGO employees, photographers and journalists are attacked, supply centers and social places of support and hope burn down.

However, the situation in the camps on the Greek islands has certainly not only been catastrophic since the last weekend in February this year. NGOs and individual politicians have been reporting on the grievances there for years - refugees, many of them unaccompanied children and adolescents, have been living there for years in the most miserable and unsanitary conditions, in completely overcrowded camps that generate violence and stress. The lack of prospects, hunger, cold, loneliness and traumatic experiences that continue on European soil result in an increasing suicide rate - even among children and adolescents - as well as a drastic increase in physical and mental illnesses. People are still drowning every day on their way to Europe in the Mediterranean.

Regardless, government rescue missions were suspended last year. Private sea rescue initiatives do what the EU member states cannot agree on - they save lives and are criminalized for this. Criminalization also affects the refugees themselves - with devastating consequences. Recognizing refugees in their refugee existence and understanding them as defenseless people is their only remaining protection in this world. What these people experience is the most catastrophic thing that can happen to a person in their existence.

"Everyone has the right to have rights."
- Hannah Arendt

This sentence, drawn from the barbaric reign of terror of National Socialism, formulates the principle on which European and international human rights are based, which are also enshrined in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic and to which you, as a member, are obliged. This shameful minimum consensus on which the Federal Government recently agreed (together to accommodate 1,000 to 1,500 refugee children up to 14 years of age in a so-called “coalition of the willing”) is in no way adequately met this human rights conscience.


Since summer 2018, people across Europe have been involved in the international movement "SEEBRÜCKE", which is supported by various alliances and actors from civil society. You are committed to a change in EU foreign policy with regard to sea rescue. They call for safe escape routes, decriminalization of civil sea rescue and a decent reception of refugees.

In the course of this movement, three cities - Rostock, Greifswald and Neubrandenburg - have so far declared themselves safe ports by decisions of the citizens or the city council in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. There are currently 138 safe harbor cities throughout Germany. These cities show solidarity with people fleeing, are committed to dying in the Mediterranean and for a dignified reception of refugees.

These cities are ready to take responsibility and accept refugees in addition to the Königsstein key. This requires the federal states' own admission programs. According to a current legal opinion available to us, the federal states can set up their own admission program after informing the Federal Ministry of the Interior without having to rely on its approval, as previously assumed. The Federal Council initiative launched by Berlin in September last year to change Section 23 (1) sentence 3 of the Residence Act is not absolutely necessary according to this report, because even now the Basic Law already provides clear regulations that are not further interpreted by Federal Laws. The admission of refugees from crowded camps on the Greek islands can thereforenot be refused by the federal government.

The federal states have the right to admit particularly vulnerable persons such as children and mothers or unaccompanied minors - even without the consent of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. In this way, the federal states can develop specific state admission programs.

Seize this opportunity!

If you meet the demands of civil society and your own obligation to act as a Member of Parliament on the basis of human rights, let us not outsource responsibility! We here in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also want to take responsibility for the people who have had to leave their home, their belongings, their work, their families and much more. We do not want to continue to watch how these people are fought on the borders of Europe and their dignity is reduced! Civil society is ready and willing to accept refugees in our society, take on sponsorships, support and support - that is, responsibility.

Dear Ms. Schwesig, Dear Mr. Caffier: Now it is up to you to act. Lead by example and show that you stand for human rights and humane coexistence in Europe!

We demand:
- a country admission program for people seeking protection from the Turkish-Greek border and from the camps of the Greek islands. NOW!
- Support from Greek authorities and local NGOs in the selection of those particularly affected.
- Immediate organization of the trip of these people in safe accommodations in our state.
- Fast medical care, psychological and social worker care.
- Processing of asylum applications in a fair national asylum procedure.




BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN Kreisverband Mecklenburgische Seenplatte
BÜNDNIS 90/Die Grünen Bürgerschaftsfraktion Hansestadt Wismar
BÜNDNIS 90/Die Grünen Bürgerschaftsfraktion Greifswald
BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN Kreisverband Schwerin
BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN Bürgerschaftsfraktion Rostock
BÜNDNIS 90/ DIE GRÜNEN Kreisverband Rostock
BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN Kreisverband Vorpommern-Rügen
DIE LINKE. Bürgerschaftsfraktion Greifswald
DIE LINKE. Ortsvorstand Greifswald
DIE LINKE. Kreisvorstand Hansestadt Rostock
DIE LINKE. Kreisvorstand Ludwigslust-Parchim
DIE LINKE. Kreisvorstand Südwestmecklenburg
DIE LINKE. Neubrandenburg
DIE LINKE. Stadtfraktion Parchim
Linksjugend ['solid] Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
MLPD Rostock
Partei Die PARTEI Kreisverband Ludwigslust-Parchim
PARTEI MENSCH UMWELT TIERSCHUTZ, Bürgerschaftsfraktion Greifswald
Dr. Dietmar Bartsch, Vorsitzender der Fraktion DIE LINKE. im Bundestag
Ulrike Berger, BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Landesvorsitzende
Barbara Borchardt, Mitglied der Fraktion DIE LINKE. Kreistag Ludwigslust-Parchim und des
Bundesausschusses der Partei DIE LINKE.
Wenke Brüdgam & Torsten Koplin, Landesvorsitzende DIE LINKE. MV
Lothar Gajek, Stellvertretender Fraktionsvorsitzender BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN Schwerin
Claudia Schulz, BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Landesvorsitzende


Propst Marcus Antonioli
Pröpstin Britta Carstensen
Pastorin Antje Exner, Wismar
Pröpstin Helga Ruch
Propst Dirk Sauermann
Propst Wulf Schünemann
Propst Gerd Panknin
Lars Müller, Flüchtlingsbeauftragter Kirchenkreis Mecklenburg
Kirchengemeinderat der Innenstadtgemeinde Rostock
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Evangelischer Jugend in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern


Feine Sahne Fischfilet
Andreas Grylla, Schriftsteller
Angelika Janz, tEXt bILd, Ferdinanshof
Karolin Köhn, Freiberufliche Redakteurin, Rostock
Kunst & Kommunikation, Eckhard Bergmann
Landesverband Freier Theater Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.
Mario Lopatta, Volkstheater Rostock
Matter of Fact, Krönert & Slabschie GbR
Peer Roggendorf, Schauspieler in Rostock
PopKW , Landesverband für populäre Musik und Kreativwirtschaft M-V e.V.
Radio Lohro 90.2 MHz
Sandra-Uma Schmitz, Diplom Schauspielerin am Volkstheater Rostock
TANDERA Theater Dörte Kein
Waving the Guns
Martina Witte, Theaterleiterin Compagnie de Comedie

Civil Society

AG Flüchtlingshilfe Stralsund e.V.
Aktionsbündnis 8. Mai Demmin
Aktionsgruppe Eine Welt e.V. Schwerin / Weltladen Schwerin
Autonome Antifa Anklam
Brinke26 e.V.
Bündnis Greifswald für Alle
Bündnis Neubrandenburg Nazifrei
Bündnis Rostock nazifrei
BUND-Gruppe Schwerin
BUNDjugend MV (Jugend im Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz MV)
Bunt statt braun e.V.
Bürgerhafen Greifswald
Demokratiebahnhof Anklam
Der Rostocker Frauenkulturverein Die Beginen e. V.
Eine-Welt-Landesnetzwerk M-V e. V
Flüchtlingsrat Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.
Frauen helfen Frauen e.V. Rostock
F*streik Bündnis Rostock
Gemeinsam für Frieden und Menschenrechte Rostock
Green Goldi Unverpackt Rostock
Gutshaus Hermannshagen e.V.
IFC- Internationaler Fußball-Club Rostock e.V.
Integrative psychosoziale Flüchtlingsberatung Rostock
Jugend kann bewegen e.V.
Kreisjugendring Mecklenburgische Seenplatte e.V.
LIBERA Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.
Migranet MV
Neubrandenburg hilft
Netzwerk für Demokratie und Courage - Landesnetzwerk Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Netzwerk für Flüchtlinge, Demokratie & Toleranz Parchim e.V.
Pfadfinderbund M-V
Projekt Psychosoziales Zentrum Rostock – Ökohaus Rostock
Qube - Queere Bildungs- und Antidiskriminierungsarbeit in MV
Radio Lohro 90,2 MHz
Rock gegen Rechts MV
Rostock hilft - Newcomer Café
Schweriner Friedensbündnis
SJD - Die Falken Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Soziale Bildung e.V. Rostock
Tutmonde e.V., Frauenrechte, Kinderschutz und Entwicklungspolitik
ver.di Nord, Landesbezirksvorstand
verquer. - Bildung für globale Gerechtigkeit, Greifswald
Weltblick - Fairer Handel, Bildung, Projekte e.V., Greifswald


Hans-Henning Bär, Büro & Atelier für Restaurierung und Denkmalpflege Sundhagen
Eckhard Bergmann, Galerie EBE Parchim
Dr. Klaus Blaudzun, Geschäftsführer, Institut für neue Medien gGmbH
Karin Breitenfeldt, ehrenamtliche Flüchtlingshelferin, Insel Rügen
Tanja Czechl, Radio Lohro, Jugendkoordinatorin
Imam-Jonas Dogesch, Migranet Rostock
Anke Drechsler, Rostock
Renate Franke
Silke Gajek, Vorstandsvorsitzende Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Selbsthilfekontaktstellen M-V
Ralf-Peter Hässelbarth, Neustrelitz
Ernst Ludwig Iskenius, Arzt, Lübtheen
Friedrich Küchler
Karen Larisch, Güstrow- Villa Kunterbündnis
Janett Launhard
Heiko Lietz, Bürgerrechtler, Schwerin
Horst & Birgit Lohmeyer, Jamel
Sandra Rabe-Maticevic, Dipl. Päd., Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Auslandsbeauftragte des Instituts
für Allgemeine Pädagogik und Sozialpädagogik Universität Rostock
Anna Murawska, Produktentwicklung und Unternehmensberatung, Heringsdorf
Ulrike Nehls, Rostock
Andrea Sakowski, Initiative Probleiberecht MV, Rügen
Matthias Scheibe, Ostseebad Sellin
Heinz Schmidt, Sprecher Schweriner Friedensbündnis
David Schultes
Maria Schulz, Vorstand Senselab e.V. - Rostock
Jüte Sigeneger, Rostock
Claudia Stauß, Bühnenmeisterin, Mestlin
Friedrich Steilen
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Stepanek, Greifswald
Barbara Camilla Tucholski
Ulrike Wanitschke, Ökohaus e.V. Rostock
Patrik Witzke, Insane Studios
Carmen Ziegler, Katzow
Kristin Zimmermann, Rostock

(Foto: Alea Horst)