Lager Horst – A critical point of view

Musicians protesting the bad situation in Horst

On August 17th and 18th 2019 the protest weekend of Lebenslaute ("sounds of life") took place in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. With their concerts in Schwerin, in and in front of the camp in Nostorf / Horst, they demanded: Break through isolation! Dissolve camp Horst! Right to stay for everyone!

Musicians and activists came from all over Germany to allude to the unacceptable conditions in the camp in Nostorf / Horst: isolation, which is reinforced by insufficient transport connections, inadequate medical treatment, inadequate legal advice, nightly room searches, regular deportations , no access to school education for children of all ages.

The Ministry of the Interior took a position on the press release of the Lebenslaute in the NDR article linked above. Unfortunately, we can only react - again - with a shake of the head, because it shows that the Ministry of the Interior knows its contracts and concepts, but doesn't want to take a look at the real conditions.

Since PRO BLEIBERECHT is on site together with other initiatives with regular manifestations, we would like to respond to the statements of the Interior Ministry and show why it is still necessary to take to the streets against the warehouse operations - and finally: to close Horst!


Ministry of Interior thesis # 1

"The asylum seekers are not locked up, but can move freely."

If this statement allows conclusions to be drawn about what the Ministry of the Interior means by "freedom", we can dress warmly. The fact is: yes, residents can leave the fenced area.

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Ministry of Interior thesis # 2

"The medical treatments are contractually secured through the Boizenburger clinic." & "The residents would be cared for in the same way as the local population."

Yes, this contract seems to exist. However, the bottleneck of the transfer to the clinic is the "medical service" on site in the camp or outside of the operator's office hours. There is no doctor on site. Nurses provide medical care for residents.

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Ministry of Interior thesis #3

"Children would go to school in intercultural learning workshops."

It is astonishing how the Ministry insists on the "Intercultural Learning Workshop", a voluntary offer in which children are teached because the country refuses to provide them with regular schooling. What educational concept is the offer based on? What qualifications do the employees have? You don't find any information about it.

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Ministry of Interior thesis # 4

"Access to advice and the accessibility of lawyers is always available."

A myth that is constant around Horst. The Ministry of the Interior sees itself confirmed by the disappointing judgment of the VG Schwerin regarding the admission suit of the Hamburg Refugee Council. The reality continues to be as follows: Asylum law advice from the refugee councils takes place in the containers in front of the camp. Residents who want to visit them must leave the camp and hand in their house ID. The advice is therefore not anonymous.
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Responding to another article

We also want to give another point of view on the article "Protest gegen Flüchtlingsheim im Wald. Das Lager im Wald soll weg" in taz Nord.

Ministry of Interior thesis # 5

"According to Teich, there is "no cause for criticism" in Horst, nor did the residents say ansything ..."


The hands that you see in the picture belong to residents of the camp. On the left in English: "Stop killing me", the statement refers to the lack of psychological care. Right: "Close Camp Horst!" In turkish.

Ministry of Interior thesis # 6

"... and it is wrong to call the facility a "Lager"."

In the online Duden, which can be viewed by everyone, it is written under the keyword > Lager <: "for a temporary stay of a larger number of people furnished [provisional] living or overnight accommodation". So yes: Horst is a camp.

Explanation: In German language the term Lager is also used in "Konzentraltionslager", concentration camps of the Nazis.Using this word the authorities tend to feel compared to fascists.
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Ministry of Interior thesis # 7

"There is very extensive support from the Malteser Hilfsdienst, which also includes a hairdresser, a world café and a school-like offer with volunteers."

There actually seems to be a hairdresser, we already heard that from past manifestations by residents. However, we were told that residents cut other residents their hair there, not external hairdressers.

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Ministry of Interior thesis # 8

"A complete relocation of the initial admission to Stern-Buchholz is not possible because there is only the necessary branch office of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in Horst, said the ministry spokesman."

In fact, the BAMF is also on site in Stern Buchholz. It conducts hearings and revocation procedures there and takes fingerprints as part of the identification process. Stern Buchholz is listed on the BAMF website as "Stern-Buchholz - branch in the arrival center", Horst simply as "branch".

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Ministry of Interior thesis # 9

"In addition, accommodation is already full when only 75 percent of the places are occupied, because only then can the special interests of mothers with children or different ethnic groups be taken into account."

The special concerns of individuals (who, in turn, as women, as children, as victims of human trafficking, torture and / or violence, as politically persecuted, as poor, as rich, as Europeans, as Arabs, as sociable people, as shy people, as a computer scientist, as a welder, or, or, or again each have different needs) cannot be adequately considered in a collective warehouse.

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The Interior Ministry is happy to make claims regarding the camp in Nostorf / Horst. Journalists print them out. A stalemate situation arises, in which the reports of residents and of supporters, stand against official statements. We would like journalists to take the risk and speak to refugees on site themselves.
We show our solidarity with the residents of the camp and the protest actions of the sounds of life and demand: break through isolation! Dissolve camp Horst! Right to stay for everyone!
Come to our manifestations!